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About us

We are a members' only social club in the heart of Corsham.  There is no set joining criteria, all we ask is that you are of good character and wish to maintain the standards as laid down in our constitution.  The Corsham Club offers you a safe and comfortable enviroment to enjoy a drink on your own or with friends.

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From the early 1900's to 1936 the part of The Corsham Club which is now our snooker room was occupied by The Corsham Conservative Club Limited.  Struggling to meet its liabilities, in 1936 the Conservative Club was liquidated and put up for sale by auction.
Mr Ernest J Brown, a former Conservative Club member, had a vision of starting a new non political club for former members, the town's businessmen and gentlemen.  He offered the auctioneers £750 to buy the building, furniture and fittings and with the assistance of ex President Mr WV Long the premises were sold to Mr Brown. 
The following letter was sent out to prospective members:
Dear Sir,
We have been asked to call a meeting to discuss the posibility of forming a non-political club at the premises recently occipied by The Corsham Conservative Club which has been disbanded.  If you are interested please attend a meeting at 8.00pm on Tuesday next Sept. 1st at the Club House and bring your friends.
EV Long
W Gibbons
W Bell Wood
WW Currie 
The Corsham Club opened on 26th September 1936, seventy members and prospective members attended. Membership subscriptions were set at 5 schillings a year.  The first years turnover was £616.
Mr Brown arranged for the Club to become tennants of the freehold property, land, furniture, fixtures and fittings at a rent of £30 per annum.
In 1941, Mr Brown made a further gesture of goodwill and offered to sell to the Corsham Club the freehold, property, land, furniture, fixtures and fittings for £500 and further that when the Club was able to pay an initial £100 the transfer would be made with the remaining funds put on mortgage at 4% interest.  The first £100 was paid to Mr Brown on 29th September 1941 and the balance paid in full on 31st October 1942.  The Corsham Club now belonged to its members.  The entire transaction was completed by a gentlemen's agreement without the need for legal documents.
The first committee consisted of Messrs Long, Currie, Lord, Brown, C Brown, Gibbons, Salter, Beszant.
Key dates:
28th September 1936 - The date on which the first letter was sent out to interested parties.
2nd November 1937 - The first Annual General Meeting.
September 1939 - Electric lighting installed and blackout curtains purchased for the war.
October 1941 - Mr E Brown sells the Club to the members for £500.  Mr Long, Mr Lord, Mr Blake and Mr Currie were appointed trustees.
May 1945 - In view of the VE day celebrations, it was agreed that on certain occasions ladies might be entertained in the Club with a suitable male escort.
March 1956 - First extension built to form a new lounge (now our darts room).
April 1957 - An offer from Lloyds Bank to purchase land at the rear of the Club between the club and the boundary of the new road (Newlands Road) was accepted. No development would take place until the until the new road was completed.  Subsequently about half of this land was sold to the Council for what, it was understood, to be utilised for car park space.
October 1958 - Club frontage and wall nearest cinema rebuilt and interior alterations to the Billiards Room.
November 1959 - A Ladies night was held on one Saturday each month.
October 1961 - Completion of land sale to council.  Boundary of Club Land marked off.
February 1963 - Central heating installed.
October 1969 - New building completed and official opening by President Mr Gerard Fuller on 25th October.  250 members present.  As the new build included a Stewards flat, a house in Pickwick for the Steward's use was sold.
November 1969 - A special general meeting amended the rules to allow membership to ladies.
September 1974 - Contract accepted for an extension to the lounge to form a dance hall and office space.  Work completed by December.
October 1976 - Alterations to lounge including re-positioning of the bar.
July 1978 - Dance Hall extended to form a stage area.  Office moved to what is now the kitchen.
Membership is by application to the management committee. This helps us maintain the integrity of The Corsham Club for all of our members. 
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